Since JSON doesn't support dates the Workaware API expects dates to be provided as ISO 8601 strings. If no timezone is provided UTC is assumed.
Driver License Type
Non Driver
Light Vehicle Driver
Heavy Vehicle Driver
Compensated Driver
Employment Status
System-defined list of possible values for a user's Employment Status field
NotSpecified = 0,
Working = 1,
MaternityLeave = 2,
Resigned = 3,
SickLeave = 4,
Terminated = 5,
LeaveOfAbsence = 6,
Vacation = 7,
SeasonalLayoff = 8
Employment Type
String type enumeration
Form Access Levels
AllForms = 0
NoForms = 1
UserSpecified = 2
System-defined list of possible values for a user's Gender field.
NotSpecified = 0,
Female = 1,
Male = 2
License Type
Possible additional licenses a user might have (in the License Type field). Valid string values are:
JobClassification = 1
Department = 2
Division = 3
Location = 4
FormGroupName = 5
Client = 6
FormType = 7
CMMSAssetEventTypes = 8
CMMSMeterReadingUnits = 9
CMMSMaintenanceTypes = 10
CMMSPriorities = 11
CMMSWorkOrderStatuses = 12
CMMSReasonToSetAssetOffline = 13
CMMSReasonToSetAssetOnline = 14
CMMSAssetCategoryTypes = 15
CMMSDocumentTypes = 16
CMMSMaintenanceTagoutHazards = 17
CMMSMaintenanceTagoutTypes = 18
SubContractor = 19
GeospatialMarkers = 20
ShapefileGroups = 21
Users = 22
FormSubmissionSources = 23
FormPriorities = 24
Genders = 25
OrgTeams = 26
UsersAndOrgTeams = 27
CompanyForms = 28
UserDefined = 29
Preferred Email Address
NoEmails = 0,
Username = 1,
WorkEmail = 2,
PersonalEmail = 3
Preferred Phone Number
DoNotSend = 0,
WorkCellNumber = 1,
PersonalCellNumber = 2,
PersonalPhoneNumber = 3,
WorkPhoneNumber = 4
Salutations Enum
System-defined list of salutations that can be applied to a user. The text associated with the salutation will be localized if a translation is available.
Unspecified = 0
Dr = 1
Miss = 2
Mr = 3
Mrs = 4
Ms = 5
Security Levels
Note that these are not treated as a hierarchy within the system but generally just provide a method of grouping User objects to determine which modules of the system they have access to.
ExternalAuditor indicates an account that has read-only access to all content in the system.
Administrator indicates a super user account that has full read/write access to the entire system.
User = 0,
Management = 1,
SeniorManagement = 2,
Administrator = 3,
ExternalAuditor = 4
Entity Objects
For each property the name and type are given.
The CompanyId property is common to most entities. It allows for segregating data to a particular customer. If you don't know the id for your account contact Workaware Support.
Describes an organization team in the company hierarchy.
Id Integer
Team key. Assigned by the server when the team entry is created and read-only afterward
CompanyId Integer ParentOrganizationTeamHierarchyId Integer
Id of the team above this one in the company hierarchy. Leave null if this is a top-level team.
Name String
Free text name of the team.
Color String
Preferred color to use in displaying the team in the graphical interface in HTML format (#[AA]RRGGBB). If null then #FF999999 will be used
Deprecated Fields
Branch String
Deprecated. Unused.
This entity describes a user's membership in a team
Color String
Preferred color for rendering this user's membership in this team in the UI. If null then #FF999999 (Gray60) will be used.
Comments String
Free text comments associated with the user's membership
CompanyId Integer
Id Integer
Unique id for the link between the team and the user. Set by the server when initially created and read-only afterward.
OrganizationTeamHierarchyId Integer
Foreign key for the Organization Team entity
Title String
Free text property with the title to display for this user and team in the UI.
UserId Integer
Foreign key for the User entity
Deprecated Fields
ParentOrganizationTeamMemberHierarchyId Integer
Deprecated. Unused
Describes an entry in a company-specific listing. The listing can either be one of the system-defined types (see PicklistTypes) or a company-specific list.
Color String
Associated color with the picklist item (if applicable) in HTML color format (#[AA]RRGGBB)
CompanyId Integer
DateModified Date
Date stamp when the item was last modified. Set by the server on create/update
Description String
Longer human-friendly description of the item.
IconURL String
Custom icon for this particular picklist entry (if applicable)
Id Integer
Key for the picklist item
MaximumZoomVisible Integer
If the item can be shown in the geospatial module specify the maximum zoom level at which it becomes visible
MinimumZoomVisible Integer
If the item can be shown in the geospatial module specify a minimum zoom level at which it becomes visible
SortOrder Integer
If the entries should be sorted in an order other then alphabetically by Value it should be set here for all values of a type
Type Integer
Item type. Either a foreign key to a company-defined picklist type or one of the values in Picklist Types
Value String
Short name of the item
Describes a user (=> person, employee) in the system.
Address String
User home street address
City String
User city of residence
ClientId Integer
Foreign key into Picklist Items of type Client
Comment String
Free text extra details about user.
CompanyId Integer
CompanyMessageLastRead Date
Date the user last acknowledged a company message
CompanyName String
Free text alternative to SubcontractorId
Country String
User country of residence
CreateDate Date
Date the user record was created. Auto-populated by the system when a new user is created.
CustomerUnion String
User's union. Free text.
DOB Date
User date of birth
DefaultLanguage String
Future usage.
DefaultLanguageCode String
User's preferred language code in ISO format
DepartmentId Integer
Foreign key into Picklist Items of type Department
DivisionId Integer
Foreign key into Picklist Items of type Division
DriverLicenseExpiryDate Date
User's driver license expiration
DriverLicenseIssueCountry String
User's driver license issuing country
DriverLicenseIssueProvinceState String
User's driver license issuing political subdivision (province/state/etc)
DriverLicenseLicenseClasses Integer
Bit stream to track which classes of license a user has (if applicable; bit 0 set => user has class 1, bit 1 set => user has class 2, etc)
DriverLicenseNotes String
Free text notes about the user's driver's license
DriverLicenseNumber String
User's driver's license number
DriverLicenseScanURL String
Filename of the scan of the user's license in the company store
DriverLicenseType String
User's driver license type based on the Driver License Type list
EmergencyContactCellPhone String
Emergency contact's cell phone number
EmergencyContactEmail String
Emergency contact's email address
EmergencyContactHomePhone String
Emergency contact home phone number
EmergencyContactName String
User's emergency contact name
EmergencyContactRelationship String
User's relationship with emergency contact
EmergencyContactWorkPhone String
Emergency contact work phone number
EmployeeId String
Company-defined user employee identification
EmploymentInfoDayRateField Float
User's daily rate if working in the field
EmploymentInfoDayRateOffice Float
User's daily rate if working in the office
EmploymentInfoHoursPerWeek Float
Number of hours of work per week for user
EmploymentInfoPayment String
Free text description of user's payment schedule
EmploymentInfoSalary Float
Amount of user's salary
EmploymentInfoShift String
Free text description of user's shift schedule
EmploymentInfoSpecific String
Free text additional description of the user's employment status
EmploymentInfoType String
User's employment type. Based on the Employment Type list
EmploymentStatus Integer
User's current employment status, set according to values in the Employment Status list
FailedPasswordAttemptCount Integer
For users who log in using Workaware credentials this records the number of failed password attempts they've had (reset to 0 on successful login)
FieldForEmailAddressId Integer
Specifies the email address field that should be used for system messages to the user using the Email Address list
FieldForSMSId Integer
Specifies the phone number field that should be used for system messages to the user using the Phone Number list
Firstname String
User first or given name
FormAccessId Integer
Level of access to form templates the user has using the Form Access Levels list
Gender Integer
Selection from the Gender list
Id Integer
Key. Unique Id. Set by the system when the user is first created and unchangeable afterward.
IncludeInCertificateVerification Boolean
Indicates whether the user should appear in the training listing (true) or not (false)
InitialHireDate Date
User initial hire date
IsActive Boolean
If false user has no access to the system and won't show up by default in any listings
IsLockedOut Boolean
For users who log in using Workaware credentials if this is set to user is prevented from logging in.
IsSafetyAdmin Boolean
Is user a safety administrator? Safety administrators have read-only access to all content and will be included in high-priority emails or message that specifically include Safety Admins
IsTracked Boolean
Is user location tracked?
JobClassificationId Integer
Foreign key into Picklist Items of type JobClassification
Language String
Free text list of languages the user speaks
LastLockoutDate Date
For users who log in using Workaware credentials this records the last time their account was locked out due to too many failed password attempts.
LastLoginDate Date
For users who log in using Workaware credentials this records the last time they logged in
LastPasswordChangedDate Date
For users who log in using Workaware credentials this records the last time their password was changed.
Lastname String
User last or family name
LicenseNumber String
Number for user additional license
LicenseScanURL String
Absolute URL to scan of user additional license or filename in company store.
LicenseType String
User's additional license type (from values in the License Type)
LocationId Integer
Foreign key into Picklist Items of type Location
Middlename String
User middle or additional name
PHNNumber String
User health identification number
PHNProvState String
User health identification number issuing province/state in Canada/US
PHNProvStateOther String
User health identification number issuing political subdivision outside Canada/US
PersonalCellPhone String
User personal cell phone number
PersonalEmail String
User's personal email address
PersonalHomePhone String
Users' home phone number
PhotoURL String
Absolute URL to user photo or filename in company store.
PostalCode String
User postal/zip code
PreferredName String
User preferred name
Province String
User political subdivision (province/state/canton/etc) of residence
SIN String
SIN/SSN/other government issued unique ID
Salutation Integer
Value for the user from the Salutations list
SecurityLevel Integer
User's module access level, value set from the Security Levels enumeration
SendCertificateWarnings Boolean
Controls whether the user receives automated notifications on certification expiry (true) or not (false)
SignatureURL String
Absolute URL to scan of user signature or filename in company store.
SubContractorId Integer
Foreign key into Picklist Items of type SubContractor
Title String
Free text internal title for the user. Alternative to JobClassificationId
TrackerId String
If user is associated with a particular tracking device (ie SPOT or InReach tracker) indicate its name here
Username String
User's unique human-readable identifer. To prevent collisions usually best if it's an email address that belongs only to the user. Required for new users.
WorkCellPhone String
User work mobile phone number
WorkEmail String
User work email
WorkPhone String
User work phone number
Deprecated fields
CanSeeEveryonesData Boolean
Deprecated. Unused. Replaced by Security Level
CanUserSeeAllForms Boolean
Deprecated. Replaced by FormAccessId
FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptCount Integer
Deprecated. Unused
FailedPasswordAnswerAttemptWindowsStart Date
Deprecated. Unused
FailedPasswordAttemptWindowStart Date
Deprecated. Unused
IsApproved Boolean
Deprecated. Unused
PasswordAnswer String
Deprecated. Unused.
PasswordQuestion String
Deprecated. Unused.
RegistrationKey String
Deprecated. Unused