Version History
See the Workaware Desktop 3.10.1 article
July 19, 2021
New logo.
Full support for new non-PDF forms.
Notification for submitted forms can be sent to multiple distribution lists.
A list of child assets can now be maintained for any given asset.
Assignments appear on the calendar.
Picklist items can be flagged as inactive to remove them from new forms but still allow them to used for filtering and searching in the completed forms listing.
People list can optionally be downloaded directly now instead of email only for batch updates.
Bug fixes:
Problems with the app crashing after previewing multiple completed forms should be fixed now.
November 27, 2020
The Maintenance Dashboard now color codes items that are coming up for maintenance versus items that are currently due or overdue.
The Participation Dashboard allows you to choose whether a form type is included in the report or not. Your selection is recorded and applied each time you open the dashboard afterward.
When saving an asset maintenance record you will be prompted to fill in required tracking fields. For example if a particular maintenance needs to occur every 6 months you will be prompted to provide a date for the maintenance before the record can save.
The calendar provides more details when you hover over an item now.
Owner column displays in the Completed Forms module
Bug fixes:
Previously under Company Settings - Company Forms, a group couldn't be removed from custom notifications but can be removed now.
An issue that was keeping the map from loading in the Geospatial and Journey Management modules has been fixed
On the participation dashboard all categories appear now if "Only show categories with matches" is unchecked
The Completed Form listing wouldn't update immediately after a form is saved but does now.
User-generated shapes in the geospatial module that were saved with no points can be edited now.
July 27, 2020
Form types can be selected/unselected on the participation dashboard now and all filter settings will be remembered and applied next time.
Initial loading time shortened.
An issue has been corrected that would cause assignment module filters to sometimes freeze or not dismiss
June 24, 2020
Assignments module: all columns can be filtered now. Admin users and external auditors have access to a third tab that allows access to the entire assignment listing.
Completed Forms module: Improved performance in opening forms. Additionally the form preview can be disabled to remove any delay caused by its loading while searching the listing.
Organization Chart module: fixed so that you no longer need to create new teams, save, and then assign users.
Forms: required signatures are flagged now and the prompt about assignees not being able to access the form has been removed since assignees always have access now as long as their assignment is open.
June 5, 2020
Updated the administrative installer to use the global registry.
Fixed a bug where the program would sometimes crash when saving an asset record.
Fixed a bug where the list of employees in the assignment editor or employees and teams popup would be empty.
April 30, 2020
Added the ability to move files and folders in the Document library by right-clicking and choosing "Move...".
Include default file type in Company Settings - Import form template downloads
Added initial support for the new custom sm_linkto field which allows you to select a related completed form from a list.
Company Forms dump under Company Settings - Company Forms can be downloaded directly now in addition to being emailed. Also now able to choose which date field to filter on.
Fixed an issue where entering all asset information on a new asset wouldn't always save.
Asset documents download and open now directly now when "Download" is clicked in the asset details.
March 11, 2020
Completed forms loading should be much faster now.
Most items download inside Workaware now instead of using a web browser to open. All pictures for user certificates should load correctly.
You'll be prompted for any assignments outstanding on any form you save.
An error with creating new people entries has been fixed.
An error when trying to launch while offline has been fixed.
February 3, 2020
NOTE: If you installed Workaware using the Admin installer this update will not work. You will need to download the latest administrative install version from
Changes in 3.7.11:
Organization Teams:
Picklist items (for built-in types such as Division or Job Classification or customer-specific types) can be applied to all members of a team
If a user is a member of multiple teams they can choose to view content for only one specifically by clicking on their username and choosing the appropriate team.
Assignments can be made on blank forms now to assign someone to fill out a form
Assignments can be made to all members of a team individually
Based on user feedback the user interface has been reorganized to be easier to use
Related Forms:
The list that appears is now fully searchable and has been adjusted to load quicker.
October 21, 2019
Added the new automatic assignments module so forms with an assignee field will generate assignments.
Completed Forms can be opened directly from links in emails now.
Changes to the login and update process.